Pressing Start
#This dream. This idea. It has been sitting with me for many years.
A few months after Satoru Iwata, the former CEO of Nintendo, passed in 2015, I wanted to write a book about him.
Nintendo is one of my favorite companies and brands. Plus, I can read Japanese. I believe I could access stories and information restricted by the Japanese language and culture barrier. And share a different view of Iwata-san with Nintendo fans around the world.
A book is a huge and ambitious endeavor. Perhaps that’s why it has taken me so long to get started.
Today, I’m pressing start.
But I’ll be starting small.
The idea is to first research and create a timeline of Iwata-san’s life. Hopefully this will create the foundation and help me move closer to writing the book. I will be sharing progress and updates on this blog under the category Nintendo.